Package-level declarations


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A filter, which forwards evaluation to the given filter, if the check function returns true. Otherwise, the result will be falseResult.

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A filter, which applies the logical AND operation between the given filters, and returns a non-null value, if all the sub-filters returned a non-null value, or null, if any of the sub-filters returned null.

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A filter, which only returns a non-null value, if the given collection contains the input.

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A filter, which applies the logical OR operation between the given filters and returns a non-null value, if any of the sub-filters returned a non-null value, or null, if all the sub-filters returned null.

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class EqualityFilter<TInput>(expectedValue: TInput) : IFilter<TInput, Unit>

A filter, which only returns a non-null value, when the input is expectedValue.

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A filter, which returns the first non-null evaluation from filters. It returns null, if none of filters return a non-null value, or filters is empty.

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fun interface IFilter<TInput, TResult : Any>

Functional interface for filtering.

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A filter, which forwards evaluation to the given filter, if the input is not null. If the input is null, the filter will return inputNullResult.

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A filter, which returns null, if filter returns a non-null value, and returns a non-null value, if filter returns null.

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class PostProcessorFilter<TInput, TSubFilterResult : Any, TResult : Any>(filter: IFilter<TInput, out TSubFilterResult>, transformDescription: String, transform: (input: TInput, result: TSubFilterResult?) -> TResult?) : IFilter<TInput, TResult> , Iterable<IFilter<TInput, out TSubFilterResult>>

A post-processor filter, which changes the output of the given sub-filter.

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A pre-processor filter, which applies a transform to the value before evaluating the sub-filter on it.

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A filter, which returns a non-null value only when the input number is withing the defined range.

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A filter, which returns a non-null value only when regex matches the input String.