Package-level declarations


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public final class BlockDrop

Stores information about a block's item drop.

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public final class BrokenBlock

Stores information about a broken block.

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public final class ChunkedBlockDropCollector implements IBlockDropCollector

A block drop collector that merges the dropped items if they're in the same sub-cuboid.

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public interface IBlockDropCollector

Collects drops from destruction of blocks.

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public final class MergerBlockDropCollector implements IBlockDropCollector

A block drop collector, which merges compatible items passed in, and drops them at their (non-weighed) average position.

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public final class NoOpBlockDropCollector implements IBlockDropCollector

A block drop collector that drops nothing.

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public final class VanillaBlockDropCollector implements IBlockDropCollector

A block drop collector that drops the items without merging, just like vanilla Minecraft.