
public ActionResult useOnBlock(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity user, BlockPos target, Direction side, Hand hand)(source)

Called on both the client and the server by Minecraft, when an entity uses the staff on a block. This method may not be called, if the block handles the use event (for example, a chest).

On the logical client, the return values have the following meaning:

  • SUCCESS: send a packet to the server, and swing hand

  • CONSUME, CONSUME_PARTIAL, FAIL: send a packet to the server, and don't swing hand

  • PASS: send a packet to the server, don't swing hand, then interact with the item by itself (see use)

On the logical server, the return values have the following meaning (if used by player):

On the logical server, the return values are processed by the caller code (if not used by player).



The item stack used to perform the action


The world the user is in


The entity, which used the staff


The block, on which user used the staff


The side of the block, on which the staff was used


The hand of the user, in which the staff is

See also