
@Environment(value = EnvType.CLIENT)
public final class CakeEntityRenderer extends EntityRenderer<CakeEntity>(source)

Renderer of CakeEntity.


Inherited properties

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protected final Float shadowOpacity
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protected final Float shadowRadius
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private final TextRenderer textRenderer


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public Unit render(CakeEntity cake, Float yaw, Float tickDelta, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, Integer light)

Inherited functions

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protected Integer getBlockLight(CakeEntity entity, BlockPos pos)
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public final Integer getLight(CakeEntity entity, Float tickDelta)
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public Vec3d getPositionOffset(CakeEntity entity, Float tickDelta)
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protected Float getShadowRadius(CakeEntity entity)
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protected Integer getSkyLight(CakeEntity entity, BlockPos pos)
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protected Boolean hasLabel(CakeEntity entity)
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protected Unit renderLabelIfPresent(CakeEntity entity, Text text, MatrixStack matrices, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, Integer light, Float tickDelta)
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public Boolean shouldRender(CakeEntity entity, Frustum frustum, Double x, Double y, Double z)