
public abstract class StaffItem extends Item(source)

Staff item dispatching functionality to StaffHandler without loader specific functionality. Implementing loader-specific interfaces is highly recommended when extending the class to pass loader-specific functionality to StaffHandler.


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public StaffItem StaffItem(Item.Settings settings)

Inherited properties

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private final ComponentMap components
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@get:JvmName(name = "hasStaffHandler")
public final Boolean hasStaffHandler

Returns if the given item has a registered handler when inserted into a staff.

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private final Item recipeRemainder
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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available.

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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available, StaffHandler.Default otherwise.


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public Unit attack(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity attacker, Hand hand)
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public EventResult attackBlock(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity attacker, BlockPos target, Direction side, Hand hand)
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public EventResult attackEntity(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity attacker, Entity target, Hand hand)
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public Boolean canSwingHand(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity holder, Hand hand)
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public Boolean disablesShield(ItemStack staffStack, World world, LivingEntity attacker, Hand hand)
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public ItemStack finishUsing(ItemStack stack, World world, LivingEntity user)
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public Text getName(ItemStack stack)
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public Unit onStoppedUsing(ItemStack stack, World world, LivingEntity user, Integer remainingUseTicks)
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public Unit usageTick(World world, LivingEntity user, ItemStack stack, Integer remainingUseTicks)
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public TypedActionResult<ItemStack> use(World world, PlayerEntity user, Hand hand)
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public ActionResult useOnEntity(ItemStack stack, PlayerEntity user, LivingEntity entity, Hand hand)

Inherited functions

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public Unit appendTooltip(ItemStack stack, Item.TooltipContext context, List<Text> tooltip, TooltipType type)
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public @Nullable() Identifier arch$registryName()
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public Item asItem()
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public Boolean canMine(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity miner)
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public Boolean canRepair(ItemStack stack, ItemStack ingredient)
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@Deprecated(message = "Deprecated in Java")
public AttributeModifiersComponent getAttributeModifiers()
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public Float getBonusAttackDamage(Entity target, Float baseAttackDamage, DamageSource damageSource)
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public Float getMiningSpeed(ItemStack stack, BlockState state)
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public Text getName()
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public final Item getRecipeRemainder()
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@Deprecated(message = "Deprecated in Java")
public RegistryEntry.Reference<Item> getRegistryEntry()
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public Boolean hasGlint(ItemStack stack)
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public Unit inventoryTick(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity entity, Integer slot, Boolean selected)
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public Boolean isEnabled(FeatureSet enabledFeatures)
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public Boolean onClicked(ItemStack stack, ItemStack otherStack, Slot slot, ClickType clickType, PlayerEntity player, StackReference cursorStackReference)
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public Unit onCraft(ItemStack stack, World world)
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public Unit onCraftByPlayer(ItemStack stack, World world, PlayerEntity player)
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public Boolean onStackClicked(ItemStack stack, Slot slot, ClickType clickType, PlayerEntity player)
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public Unit postDamageEntity(ItemStack stack, LivingEntity target, LivingEntity attacker)
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public Boolean postHit(ItemStack stack, LivingEntity target, LivingEntity attacker)
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public Boolean postMine(ItemStack stack, World world, BlockState state, BlockPos pos, LivingEntity miner)
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public String toString()