Called on both the client and the server by Minecraft when the player uses the staff.
If the staff can be used for multiple ticks, override getMaxUseTime to return a positive number, and call LivingEntity.setCurrentHand on user with hand as the argument.
On the logical client:
ActionResult.SUCCESS: swings hand, and resets equip progress
ActionResult.CONSUME, ActionResult.CONSUME_PARTIAL: doesn't swing hand, and resets equip progress
ActionResult.PASS, ActionResult.FAIL: doesn't swing hand, and doesn't reset equip progress
On the logical server (if used by player):
ActionResult.SUCCESS: swings hand
ActionResult.CONSUME, ActionResult.CONSUME_PARTIAL, ActionResult.PASS, ActionResult.FAIL: doesn't swing hand
The item stack used to perform the action
The world the user is in
The player, which uses the staff