
open class CrownItem(settings: Item.Settings) : Item, Equipment(source)

A crown, which makes piglins neutral when worn, just like gold armor.


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constructor(settings: Item.Settings)

Inherited properties

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@get:JvmName(name = "hasStaffHandler")
val Item.hasStaffHandler: Boolean

Returns if the given item has a registered handler when inserted into a staff.

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val recipeRemainder: Item?
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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available.

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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available, StaffHandler.Default otherwise.


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open override fun getEquipSound(): RegistryEntry<SoundEvent>
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open override fun getSlotType(): EquipmentSlot
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open override fun use(world: World, user: PlayerEntity, hand: Hand): TypedActionResult<ItemStack>

Inherited functions

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open fun appendTooltip(stack: ItemStack, context: Item.TooltipContext, tooltip: MutableList<Text>, type: TooltipType)
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open override fun arch$holder(): RegistryEntry<Item>
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open fun arch$registryName(): @Nullable Identifier?
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open override fun asItem(): Item
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open fun canBeNested(): Boolean
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open fun canMine(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, miner: PlayerEntity): Boolean
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open fun canRepair(stack: ItemStack, ingredient: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun equipAndSwap(item: Item, world: World, user: PlayerEntity, hand: Hand): TypedActionResult<ItemStack>
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open fun finishUsing(stack: ItemStack, world: World, user: LivingEntity): ItemStack
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open fun getBonusAttackDamage(player: PlayerEntity, baseAttackDamage: Float): Float
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open fun getItemBarColor(stack: ItemStack): Int
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open fun getItemBarStep(stack: ItemStack): Int
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open fun getMaxCount(): Int
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open fun getMaxUseTime(stack: ItemStack): Int
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open fun getMiningSpeed(stack: ItemStack, state: BlockState): Float
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open fun getName(): Text
open fun getName(stack: ItemStack): Text
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protected open fun getOrCreateTranslationKey(): String
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open fun getUseAction(stack: ItemStack): UseAction
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open fun hasGlint(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun inventoryTick(stack: ItemStack, world: World, entity: Entity, slot: Int, selected: Boolean)
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open fun isCorrectForDrops(stack: ItemStack, state: BlockState): Boolean
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open fun isEnabled(enabledFeatures: FeatureSet): Boolean
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open fun isEnchantable(stack: ItemStack): Boolean
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open fun onClicked(stack: ItemStack, otherStack: ItemStack, slot: Slot, clickType: ClickType, player: PlayerEntity, cursorStackReference: StackReference): Boolean
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open fun onCraft(stack: ItemStack, world: World)
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open fun onCraftByPlayer(stack: ItemStack, world: World, player: PlayerEntity)
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open fun onStackClicked(stack: ItemStack, slot: Slot, clickType: ClickType, player: PlayerEntity): Boolean
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open fun onStoppedUsing(stack: ItemStack, world: World, user: LivingEntity, remainingUseTicks: Int)
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open fun postHit(stack: ItemStack, target: LivingEntity, attacker: LivingEntity): Boolean
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open fun postMine(stack: ItemStack, world: World, state: BlockState, pos: BlockPos, miner: LivingEntity): Boolean
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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun usageTick(world: World, user: LivingEntity, stack: ItemStack, remainingUseTicks: Int)
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open fun useOnEntity(stack: ItemStack, user: PlayerEntity, entity: LivingEntity, hand: Hand): ActionResult