Package-level declarations


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val crownOfKingOrangeItem: RegistrySupplier<CrownItem>

Item registered as avm_staff:crown_of_king_orange.

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val faintRoyalStaffHeadItem: RegistrySupplier<Item>

Item registered as avm_staff:faint_royal_staff_head.

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val faintRoyalStaffItem: RegistrySupplier<Item>

Item registered as avm_staff:faint_royal_staff.

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val faintStaffRodItem: RegistrySupplier<Item>

Item registered as avm_staff:faint_staff_rod.

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Particle registered as avm_staff:flame.

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val furnaceLitComponentType: RegistrySupplier<DataComponentType<MinecraftUnit>>

Data component registered as avm_staff:furnace_lit. Stores if a furnace staff is lit. Only used for rendering.

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Entity registered as avm_staff:impact_tnt.

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val rocketModeComponentType: RegistrySupplier<DataComponentType<MinecraftUnit>>

Data component registered as avm_staff:rocket_mode. Stores if a campfire staff should propel its user.

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val royalStaffIngredientItem: RegistrySupplier<Item>

Item registered as avm_staff:royal_staff_ingredient.

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val royalStaffItem: RegistrySupplier<StaffItem>

Item registered as avm_staff:royal_staff.

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Particle registered as avm_staff:soul_fire_flame.

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Item registered as avm_staff:staff_infusion_smithing_template.

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Data component registered as avm_staff:staff_item. Stores the item inserted into the staff.

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val staffModItemGroup: RegistrySupplier<ItemGroup>

Item group containing items added by Staff Mod.

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Data component registered as avm_staff:staff_renderer_override. Specifies how a staff is rendered. Intended for Isometric Renders mod compatibility.

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Tag registered as avm_staff:staffs.