
A crown placed on the wall.


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constructor(settings: AbstractBlock.Settings)

Inherited properties

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protected val collidable: Boolean
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protected val dynamicBounds: Boolean
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protected var lootTableKey: RegistryKey<LootTable>?
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protected val randomTicks: Boolean
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protected val resistance: Float
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protected val slipperiness: Float
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protected val velocityMultiplier: Float


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protected open override fun appendProperties(builder: StateManager.Builder<Block, BlockState>)
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protected open override fun canPathfindThrough(state: BlockState?, type: NavigationType?): Boolean
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protected open override fun getCodec(): MapCodec<WallCrownBlock>
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protected open override fun getCullingShape(state: BlockState?, world: BlockView?, pos: BlockPos?): VoxelShape
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protected open override fun getOutlineShape(state: BlockState, world: BlockView?, pos: BlockPos?, context: ShapeContext?): VoxelShape
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open override fun getTranslationKey(): String

Inherited functions

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open fun afterBreak(world: World, player: PlayerEntity, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, @Nullable blockEntity: BlockEntity?, tool: ItemStack)
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open fun appendTooltip(stack: ItemStack, context: Item.TooltipContext, tooltip: MutableList<Text>, options: TooltipType)
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open override fun arch$holder(): RegistryEntry<Block>
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open fun arch$registryName(): @Nullable Identifier?
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protected open override fun asBlock(): Block
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open override fun asItem(): Item
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protected open fun calcBlockBreakingDelta(state: BlockState, player: PlayerEntity, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Float
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protected open fun canBucketPlace(state: BlockState, fluid: Fluid): Boolean
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protected open fun canPlaceAt(state: BlockState, world: WorldView, pos: BlockPos): Boolean
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protected open fun canReplace(state: BlockState, context: ItemPlacementContext): Boolean
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protected open fun createScreenHandlerFactory(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos): NamedScreenHandlerFactory?
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protected open fun dropExperience(world: ServerWorld, pos: BlockPos, size: Int)
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protected open fun dropExperienceWhenMined(world: ServerWorld, pos: BlockPos, tool: ItemStack, experience: IntProvider)
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protected open fun emitsRedstonePower(state: BlockState): Boolean
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protected open fun getAmbientOcclusionLightLevel(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Float
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protected open fun getCameraCollisionShape(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos, context: ShapeContext): VoxelShape
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protected open fun getCollisionShape(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos, context: ShapeContext): VoxelShape
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protected open fun getComparatorOutput(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos): Int
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protected open fun getFluidState(state: BlockState): FluidState
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open fun getHardness(): Float
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protected open fun getMaxHorizontalModelOffset(): Float
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open fun getName(): MutableText
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protected open fun getOpacity(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Int
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open fun getPickStack(world: WorldView, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState): ItemStack
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protected open fun getRaycastShape(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): VoxelShape
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protected open fun getRenderingSeed(state: BlockState, pos: BlockPos): Long
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protected open fun getRenderType(state: BlockState): BlockRenderType
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open override fun getRequiredFeatures(): FeatureSet
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protected open fun getShapesForStates(stateToShape: Function<BlockState, VoxelShape>): ImmutableMap<BlockState, VoxelShape>
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protected open fun getSidesShape(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): VoxelShape
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protected open fun getSoundGroup(state: BlockState): BlockSoundGroup
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protected open fun getStateForNeighborUpdate(state: BlockState, direction: Direction, neighborState: BlockState, world: WorldAccess, pos: BlockPos, neighborPos: BlockPos): BlockState
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protected open fun getStrongRedstonePower(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction): Int
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protected open fun getWeakRedstonePower(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction): Int
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protected open fun hasComparatorOutput(state: BlockState): Boolean
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protected open fun hasRandomTicks(state: BlockState): Boolean
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protected open fun hasSidedTransparency(state: BlockState): Boolean
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protected open fun isCullingShapeFullCube(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Boolean
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open fun isEnabled(enabledFeatures: FeatureSet): Boolean
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protected open fun isShapeFullCube(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Boolean
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protected open fun isSideInvisible(state: BlockState, stateFrom: BlockState, direction: Direction): Boolean
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protected open fun isTransparent(state: BlockState, world: BlockView, pos: BlockPos): Boolean
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protected open override fun mirror(state: BlockState, mirror: BlockMirror): BlockState
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protected open fun neighborUpdate(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, sourceBlock: Block, sourcePos: BlockPos, notify: Boolean)
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protected open fun onBlockAdded(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, oldState: BlockState, notify: Boolean)
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protected open fun onBlockBreakStart(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, player: PlayerEntity)
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open fun onBreak(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, player: PlayerEntity): BlockState
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open fun onBroken(world: WorldAccess, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState)
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open fun onDestroyedByExplosion(world: World, pos: BlockPos, explosion: Explosion)
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protected open fun onEntityCollision(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, entity: Entity)
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open fun onEntityLand(world: BlockView, entity: Entity)
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protected open fun onExploded(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, explosion: Explosion, stackMerger: BiConsumer<ItemStack, BlockPos>)
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open fun onLandedUpon(world: World, state: BlockState, pos: BlockPos, entity: Entity, fallDistance: Float)
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open fun onPlaced(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, @Nullable placer: LivingEntity?, itemStack: ItemStack)
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protected open fun onProjectileHit(world: World, state: BlockState, hit: BlockHitResult, projectile: ProjectileEntity)
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protected open fun onStacksDropped(state: BlockState, world: ServerWorld, pos: BlockPos, tool: ItemStack, dropExperience: Boolean)
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protected open fun onStateReplaced(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, newState: BlockState, moved: Boolean)
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open fun onSteppedOn(world: World, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState, entity: Entity)
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protected open fun onSyncedBlockEvent(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, type: Int, data: Int): Boolean
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protected open fun onUse(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, player: PlayerEntity, hit: BlockHitResult): ActionResult
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protected open fun onUseWithItem(stack: ItemStack, state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, player: PlayerEntity, hand: Hand, hit: BlockHitResult): ItemActionResult
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open fun precipitationTick(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, precipitation: Biome.Precipitation)
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protected open fun prepare(state: BlockState, world: WorldAccess, pos: BlockPos, flags: Int, maxUpdateDepth: Int)
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open fun randomDisplayTick(state: BlockState, world: World, pos: BlockPos, random: Random)
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protected open fun randomTick(state: BlockState, world: ServerWorld, pos: BlockPos, random: Random)
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protected open override fun rotate(state: BlockState, rotation: BlockRotation): BlockState
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protected open fun scheduledTick(state: BlockState, world: ServerWorld, pos: BlockPos, random: Random)
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protected open fun spawnBreakParticles(world: World, player: PlayerEntity, pos: BlockPos, state: BlockState)
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open override fun toString(): String