
AvM Staff mod base registration utility. This is not to be confused with Minecraft registries.



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val keys: Set<TKey>

Gets all the registered keys in this registry.


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operator fun contains(key: TKey): Boolean

Checks if the given key is present in the registry

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operator fun get(key: TKey): TValue

Gets the value associated with the given key or throws an exception, if the key is not present in this registry.

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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<Map.Entry<TKey, TValue>>
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open fun register(key: TKey, value: TValue)

Registers an entry to this registry.

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open fun validateEntry(key: TKey, value: TValue)

Validates an entry to be registered. Throws an exception, if the entry is invalid.

Inherited functions

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open fun forEach(p0: Consumer<in Map.Entry<TKey, TValue>>)
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