Entity Types
Entity types added by AVM Staffs mod.
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Entity registered as avm_staff:cake
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Technical entity registered as avm_staff:campfire_flame
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Entity registered as avm_staff:impact_tnt
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Inherited functions
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public final RegistryEntry.Reference<EntityType<?>> getEntry(RegistryKey<EntityType<?>> $self, DynamicRegistryManager registryManager)
Gets the registry entry of the given registry key from the given registry manager or null
, if it's not found.
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Creates an Identifier from the namespace specified in the constructor and a given path.
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protected final RegistryObject<T> register<T extends EntityType<?>>(String path, Function1<RegistryKey<EntityType<?>>, T> factory)
Adds a content to be registered in a Minecraft registry using Architectury API.
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Creates a RegistryKey from the registry and namespace specified in the constructor and a given path.